Monday, September 12, 2005


1. What's the deal?
We like to drink. We also like pirates. Let's put the two together!
the words pirates and parties have the same letters

2. Are costumes mandatory?
Yes, yes they are. If ye show without a costume, ye be walking the plank, says I!

3. When is this esteemed gathering?
Friday, September 16, 2005, 1900 hours, Brass's house. If you need directions, leave a comment or contact K-Prime or Brass.

4. I was at the Hawaiian party, and there were rules on alcohol. Is the same thing happening?
We're hoping. To keep with the theme, rum and ale (beer) are the two supported beverages. When was the last time you saw a pirate drinking a martini?

Hopefully that should answer most questions. There are links to the side directing you to the official Talk Like A Pirate Day website, and another link for costume ideas. If there are any other questions, leave a comment or get in contact with Brass or K-Prime and we'll get you the answer.
Now be off with ye! Yar!


Blogger Zanitram said...

wow.. they really do.

thats like finding out your sata drive will speed up your dvd file xfer a whole bunch..

super kool

6:01 PM  
Blogger K-Prime said...

Funny, you can read enough to get your way to this site, but not enough to figure out what the hell we're talking about? :P

9:06 AM  
Blogger The Devil Uno said...

YAAAAR wheres me grog?

4:48 PM  

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